Consultation for the Private Sector

Many private companies are required to meet the demands of the Israel Antiquities Authority as a precondition to development projects. Of the utmost importance for the private sector are:

  • Reducing costs
  • Being efficient and sticking to deadlines
  • Monetary and operational planning

These goals can be met by integrating Kedem's archaeological consultant into the team, beginning from the very planning stages of the project. The following leading companies have benefited from our consultation in the past:

  • Africa Israel Investments
  • Danya Cebus
  • Azorim
  • Moriah
  • Netivei Hayovel
  • Derech Eretz
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  About Kedem

CV and Professional Experience

Archaeological Consultation

Managing Archaeological Projects

Developing Sites Rich in Antiquities

Hotel and Tourist Initiatives in Ancient Structures

Relocation of Graves and Cemeteries

Professional Archaeological Tours

Archaeological and Anthropological Seminars Abroad

Kedem, founded by Shavit A A Consulting Ltd. | 5 Oppenheimer St., Rehovot 76701, Israel | Tel: 08-9101712 | Fax: 08-9101704