CV and Professional Experience

CV and Professional Experience

Kedem was founded by Dr. Alon Shavit, who serves as its director. Throughout his professional career, Dr. Shavit has pioneered in introducing changes in a number of areas: establishing the position of archaeological consultant in the private sector; opening up the Israeli market in the age of competition; establishing the first leading university body to compete with the Antiquities Authority; consolidating the archaeological community in Israel to influence public policy; and running complex and complicated archaeological projects. 

ביקור ו של ראש הממשלה, מר בנימין נתניהו

CV – Dr. Alon Shavit

1980 - 1983                Army service

1984 - 1987                BA, Archaeology and Land of Israel Studies, Haifa University

1985 - Present           Senior guide with the Geographical Society

1985 - 1987                Tour Guide course, Tourism School

1988 - 1992                MA, Archaeology, Tel-Aviv University

1990 - 1991                Director of archaeological survey, pre–planning of the City of Modi'in

1990 - 1994                Chief archaeologist, Central district and Tel-Aviv District, Israel Antiquities Authority

1994 - 1997                Director of the archaeological project of the Cross-Israel Highway; conducted
                                      pre-planning survey, working with planning committees to the National Council, coordinated
                                      rescue excavations along the route.

1994 - Present           Archaeological consultant to the Israeli Public Works Department (Ma'atz), to the
                                      Housing Ministry, and other public and private organizations.  

1994 - 2004                Lecturer and guide, Tourism School

1995 - 1997                 Lecturer, Archaeology Department, Tel-Aviv University

1997 - 2001                Director, "Ramot Archaeology" - the business subsidiary of the Archaeology Institute,
                                      Tel-Aviv University.

1999 - Present           Archaeological consultant to Derech Eretz, Azorim, Netivei Hayovel, Africa-Israel Group,
                                      Moriah, IMB, and other companies.

2002 - Present           CEO, Israeli Institute of Archaeology.

2002 - 2009                Chairman, communal committee of Ganei Hadar (Municipal board until 2005)

2003 - Present           PhD, Archaeology, Tel-Aviv University. Dissertation: "Settlement patterns in Israel’s
                                                          southern coastal plain during the Iron Age II"  

2005 - Present           Archaeological consultant, Simon Wiesenthal Center and the Museum of Tolerance
                                      in Jerusalem.

2005 - 2009                Chairman, Ganei Hadar Local Committee, and member of the general assembly of
                                      the Gezer Regional Council.

2007 - 2009                Member of the Gezer Planning and Construction Committee.

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CV and Professional Experience

Archaeological Consultation

Managing Archaeological Projects

Developing Sites Rich in Antiquities

Hotel and Tourist Initiatives in Ancient Structures

Relocation of Graves and Cemeteries

Professional Archaeological Tours

Archaeological and Anthropological Seminars Abroad

Kedem, founded by Shavit A A Consulting Ltd. | 5 Oppenheimer St., Rehovot 76701, Israel | Tel: 08-9101712 | Fax: 08-9101704